Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2008

Dersimiz Kürtçe

Erdoğan’ın kurduğu Kürtçe cümle vesilesiyle yasaklı Kürtçe dün her gazetenin birinci sayfasındaydı ama cümleyi hatasız yazan olmadı.

Herkesin artık bu dilin bir grameri olduğunu kabul etmesi gerekiyor.

Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008

özür dilemek

1915'te Osmanlı Ermenileri'nin maruz kaldığı Büyük Felâket'e duyarsız kalınmasını, bunun inkâr edilmesini vicdanım kabul etmiyor.
Bu adaletsizliği reddediyor, kendi payıma Ermeni kardeşlerimin duygu ve acılarını paylaşıyor, onlardan özür diliyorum.

Ich kann es mit meinem Gewissen nicht vereinbaren, dass die Katastrophe, welche die Armenier des Osmanischen Reiches 1915 ereilte, verleugnet und ihr teilnahmslos begegnet wird. Ich lehne dieses Unrecht ab und teile die Gefühle und den Schmerz meiner armenischen Brüder und Schwestern und entschuldige mich bei ihnen.

PS Katastrophe klingt nicht wirklich anders als Tragödie - und ebenso ohne Akteure. Schade, dass selbst bei so einer wichtigen Geste, die Geschichte immer noch nicht beim Namen genannt wird.

Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008

18 Dezember Internationaler MigrantInnentag - 18 Aralık Enternasyonel Göçmenler Günü

18 December 2008: A radio marathon for International Migrants Day

For the third consecutive year Radio 18-12 organizes a global radio marathon with support of UNESCO and other sponsors on the occasion of International Migrants Day which is today, 18 December.

Radio broadcasters from over the world are invited to produce, broadcast and share programmes to celebrate achievements of migration and to ask attention for a proper treatment of migrants.

The international community has chosen 18 December as International Migrants Day to highlight their contribution to the development of the host countries and their homelands, to promote their rights and to ensure that their opinions are heard.

The first edition of the radio marathon was organized in 2006 by Radio 18-12, also with support of UNESCO. Over 50 radio stations participated in the event broadcasting in more than 25 countries. This year more than 113 radio stations in 38 countries participate, emphasizing the important contribution of migrants to society.

More information on the website of Radio1812:

Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008

12 sözcük

koç - Widder
boğa - Stier
ikizler - Zwillinge
yengeç - Krebs
aslan - Löwe
başak - Jungfrau
terazi - Waage
akrep - Skorpion
yay - Schütze
oğlak - Steinbock
kova - Wassermann
balık - Fische